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Writer's picturepartition liu

A way to find out how activity for mssql and oracle

Dear buddy,

Have you confuse that how activity about my databases, if we conside it by using backup size about archive files(oracle) and transaction log

(mssql). we can use the following way.

First , use the script to find out which DB generate the most transaction size under the same instance in Msssql.

select database_name,

SUM(cast(backup_size/1024.0/1024.0 as numeric(11,1))) as backup_size_MB

from msdb.dbo.backupset a with (nolock)

join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily b with (nolock) on b.media_set_id = a.media_set_id

where type='L' and (backup_finish_date >= '2018-01-10' AND backup_finish_date < '2018-01-11')

group by database_name

then we can get

Yes, you can see the most big transacrion log backup size DB. That is C4.

Seconday , we can use the follow script to check how much size of archive files generated each day or how much of traction log was backuped.


select SUM(blocks)*512/1024/1024 from v$archived_log where completion_time >= TO_DATE(20180107,'yyyymmdd') and completion_time <TO_DATE(20180108,'yyyymmdd') and thread#=1

union all

select SUM(blocks)*512/1024/1024 from v$archived_log where completion_time >= TO_DATE(20180107,'yyyymmdd') and completion_time <TO_DATE(20180108,'yyyymmdd') and thread#=2



SUM(cast(backup_size/1024.0/1024.0 as numeric(11,1))) as backup_size_MB

from msdb.dbo.backupset a with (nolock)

join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily b with (nolock) on b.media_set_id = a.media_set_id

where type='L' and (backup_finish_date >= '2018-01-10' AND backup_finish_date < '2018-01-11')

--- and database_name in ('')

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